10 February 2017 K2_ITEM_AUTHOR 



 1. Student teacher will write summary of at least two lessons from the secondary school textbooks.

Work out plan-

  • Trainees will select two lessons (one prose and one poetry) from the prescribed textbooks of class IX and X of SEBA, in consultation with the supervisor. Supervisor will look into that all lessons of the textbooks are covered.
  • Encourage the trainees to write the summary in their own words in simple language and as per the paragraphs in the lesson.
  • While writing the summary, the trainees will explain the idioms/ phrases or literary terms used in the lesson.
  • Trainees will write critical review of the prose and/ moral of the story/ lesson/ central theme of the poetry.
  • Trainees will exchange themselves their writings for correction. The corrected copies then shall be submitted to the supervisor, mentioning the name of the lesson and textbook.


2. Read story/account/ incident and write the same in the form of a dialogue.

Work out plan-

  • Supervisor shall apprise the student-teacher about dialogue writing-its features and rules of indirect and direct speech.
  • Trainees will select any story/ account/ incident, in consultation with the supervisor. The supervisor shall look into that the selected pieces have scope for transforming into dialogue-form. The selected pieces should not be too long or too short.
  • Trainees can also select pictures/situations for developing a dialogue.
  • Trainees will exchange their writing for correction. The corrected piece then shall be submitted to the supervisor along with the original writing for final cheek up.


3. Use of dictionary for learning correct application of grammatical terms. (rules of spelling and word formation, difficult spellings, common confusable words)

Dictionaries: Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary/ Illustrated Oxford Dictionary/ Collins Cobuild Advanced Learners’ Dictionary/ Word Master (Orient Longman)

(Student teacher will prepare will prepare a list of twenty such words and their correct application. Share with others and compile the lists.)

  • With the aid of Standard English grammar, trainees will study the rules of spelling, rules of word formation, difficult spellings, and common confusable words.
  • Student-teacher shall find out twenty such words from dictionary along with the meaning and different forms of their use.
  • Trainees shall divide themselves into three groups to compile lists of (a) rules of spelling and word formation (b) difficult spellings (c) common confusable words along with their meaning.
  • Exchange the compiled list.

4. Understanding literary terms.

(Student teacher will find out the literary terms used in prose and poetry in the secondary school books. Prepare a list of the terms with explanation and usage.)

Book: A glossary of Literary Terms. M.h. Abrams and Geoffery Galt Harpham, Wadsworth, Cengage learning.

Work out plan-

  1. Trainees will select lessons (prose or poetry) from the prescribed textbooks of class IX and X of SEBA CBSE/ICSE in consultation with the teacher. Teacher will look into that all lessons of the textbooks are covered.
  2. Trainees shall find out the literary terms used in the lessons (prose and poetry).
  3. Trainees will prepare a descriptive note of the literary terms, explaining the root word of the terms; its conceptual meaning and meaning as used in lesson, taking help from the book mentioned above.
  4. The explanatory note of the literary terms shall be shared among the trainees and compile into a list. Submit the same to the supervisor for check up.
  5. Trainees shall exchange the compiled list.


5. Write business/ official letter, précis of a passage from prescribed text/s.

Work out plan-

  • Supervisor shall give the trainees topic for letter writing. They may be allowed to consult any standard book of English usage.
  • The letters shall be exchanged for correction among the trainees.
  • The corrected copies then shall be given to the teacher for his/her check up.
  • For précis writing, trainees shall select any narrative/descriptive writings of considerable length.
  • The précis writing, trainees shall select any narrative/descriptive writings of considerable length.
  • Submit the same to the teacher for check up.

6. Arrange a debate on any issue/s concerning social, educational, politics, environment, entertainment, sports etc.

Work out plan-

  • The trainees may be divided into two/three groups.
  • The supervisor shall select topics from all of the issues mentioned above and allot the same through lottery.
  • Each group of trainees shall be divided for speaking for and against the motion.
  • The trainees shall select a member as Speaker from the other groups or the supervisor may act as speaker.
  • The members from the Treasury and Opposition benches shall select their “movers”
  • Since the very objective of this language activity is to improve the speaking and listening skill of the trainees, the supervisor shall look into that no member speaks with prepared speech but there is no objection to note points (while a member speaks) for justifying ones arguments.
  • Making presentation in any language other than English should not be allowed.
  • The supervisor shall finally give his/her comment on the correctness or otherwise of the language used by members.

7. Extempore speech. Student teacher will speak on given topic in allotted time.

(The supervisor shall see into the grammatical correctness, pronunciation and logical flow of idea)

Work out plan-

  • The Supervisor shall select such topics where there is enough scope for the trainees to think and express their ideas independently, narrative and descriptive topics should be preferred.
  • The trainees shall select among themselves two judges who shall conduct the activity, award marks and provide feedback on the performance of the members.
  • Further, each of the trainees, in rotation, shall have to judge and give feedback on the performance of other member.
  • Each of the trainees will have to speak on the topic for five to seven minutes, which will be decided by lottery.
  • The supervisor shall take note while the member were speaking and giving feedback. Finally, he/she shall give feedback on the grammatical correctness, pronunciation and logical flow of ideas expressed by members.
  • To make the activity interesting positions may be announced at end, based on the scores obtained.

8. Enact a one-act play (Preferably authored by member/s of the group).

Work out plan-

  • The trainees shall be divided into groups of six to eight members.
  • The supervisor shall guide the groups to write a short play on any socio-political, educational and environment issues where is scope for performance by maximum members.
  • The language of the play should be simple enough without any ambiguity.
  • The play should be of considerable length so that the performance can be made in fifteen to twenty minutes.
  • The supervisor shall select one of the plays for performance.

9. Group discussion on any issue/s concerning social, educational, politics, environment, entertainment, sports etc.

(From small groups of 6-8 members. The other members will field questions.)

Work out plan-

  • The trainees shall be divided into groups of six to eight members or as per convenience of organizing the activity.
  • The supervisor shall select topics from the above issues and allot through lottery.
  • Group members shall select the moderator. Each group shall discuss various aspects of the topic within the stipulated time fixed by the supervisor.
  • The supervisor shall encourage other members shall field question/s to the group soon the discussion is over.


10. Develop a magazine.

(It may include self-composed poem, story, prose or any creative writing in English. In addition, it may include the list of grammatical and literary terms, stated above.)

Work out plan-

  • Entire class shall work together for developing a hand written/typed magazine.
  • An editorial body among the members may be constituted to select and edit the writings.
  • The magazine shall consist of self-composed poems, story, prose or any creative writing in English authored by student teacher/s.
  • In addition, the list of grammatical and literary terms, dialogue and précis writing may be included in the magazine.

11. Student teacher will prepare a detailed report of all the activities done along with appraisal how he/she is benefitted by it and submit the same to the concerned teacher.

Work out plan-

  • Trainees shall prepare a report giving detailed account of all the activities he/she performed as language practicum.
  • It shall be mandatory to mention in the report how the activities have benefitted him/her.
  • Trainees shall submit the same to the supervisor.
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