IASE Library
The College Library is administered by the Library Committee headed by the Principal and the Librarian holds the position of Member Secretary while the teachers-in-charge of all the Departments of the College are the members of the Library Committee.
The number of books available in the library-16191,
The number of Educational Journals/Periodicals-468.
The number of Encyclopedia- 304
A. List of few Educational Journals:
1. Indian Education
2. The Primary Teacher
3. The Indian Journal of Social work
4. Indian Journal of Teacher Education.
5. Journal of All India Association for Educational Research
6.Educational Research Jounal
7.Journal of Educational Technology
8. Edu tracks
B. List of few Encyclopedia:
1.Encyclopedia of Language and Education
2. Encyclopedia of educational Planning and development.
3. Encyclopedia of Educationn in the New Millenium.
4. Encyclopedia of Education in 21st Century.
5. Encyclopedia of Teaching Dcience.
6. Encyclopedia of New Method of Educational Research.
7. Encyclopedia of Modern Techniques of Educational Evaluation and Examinations.
8. Encyclopedia of Teacher Training.
9. Encyclopedia of Educational Research.
10. Encyclopedia of Modern Method of Teaching Science.
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