Vision & Mission
- Acting as regional resource center (RRC) for material development, documentation and sharing including local languages.
- Empowerment of teachers and teacher educators capable of empathy for inclusive of children, teachers and stakeholders.
- Coordinating and collaborating institutions like CTEs, DIETS, SCERT and universities for curricular reforms etc.
- Helping develop new courses and programmes for teachers/ teacher educators preparation including integrated as well as composite courses and P.G. programmes aligned with NCFTE/NCF/NEP.
- Promoting research to create conducive environment to carry out research innovation to improve quality education.
- To act a nodal agency for implementation flagship missions of central Govt. like RUSA, RMSA, SSA, UMSA etc.
To develop world class teachers who can guide the generations for transforming the world to be a better place to live in where people and nations live in peace and harmony with nature.
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